Del Tin Armi Antiche

 Maniago is a town situated in the plain north of Pordenone, close to the Pre-Alps. Rather that the existence of mines in the neighbouring areas, it was the abundance of water power and woods that allowed development of  iron working industry in this area. Water power operated hammers and other machines, while wood was used to produce charcoal.

In 1453, thanks to a concession of the feudal lord, Count Nicoḷ Di Maniago, it was dug a long channel diverting waters from the Colvera river and along this channel rose many buildings equipped with water power hammers. They mainly produced agricoltural tools, but in the 16th century there is also some evidence of a significant production of weapons for the Republic of Venice. Around these blacksmiths there were many other family-run workshops where the rough pieces were refined by means of grinding weels and files.  Maniago soon became well known worldwide for its production of every kind of blades, knives and scissors.

The story of the Del Tin Family is part of this rich historical heritage and craftsmanship tradition.
Silvano Del Tin together with his older son was producing switch-blade knives and stilettos in his workshop in Maniago, when in 1965 they decided to make some replicas of antique weapons. At first this was jus a hobby, indeed Silvano and son made some swords,halberds, axes, maces and other items for themselves. Later they exibited them in an exhibition in Florence. Due to the great success  they obtained in that exibition, They decided to drop the traditional production of knives to make exclusively replicas of old weapons.

Fulvio Del Tin joined  his father in 1970. Since 1989 the DEL TIN ARMI ANTICHE COMPANY is led by Fulvio Del Tin and nowadays it is offering a wide range of replicas of old swords and daggers and other weapons, from the bronze age up until the seventeenth century. Throughout these years Fulvio Del Tin analysed and  produced a great number of pieces based on the originals hold in museums and private collections. His purpose is to make accurate old weapons that in quality and look are equal to original ones. Occasionally the research is also based on the iconography of the time to create pieces no longer in existence.

Collectors all over the world bought and appreciated Del Tin's pieces of art which are also displayed is some significant museums such as the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds (UK) where these replicas are also actively used in reenactment swordfighting. Indeed as a result of a serious and accurate manufacturing process, Del Tin swords and have very good characteristics, their  blades are made of well tempered Chrome-Vanadium steel with a hardness of 50HRC. Fulvio Del Tin personally tempers the steel, a very delicate operation upon which the manufacture of a superior blade depends. It is for this reason that there are many historical reeenactment groups worldwide practising the art of swordsmanship using Del Tin's swords and daggers. It is however recommend for those wish to use these swords and daggers to do it carefully, safely and in the proper way in order to avoid risk.

In conclusion it is possible to say that  Fulvio Del Tin's swords would even have been suitable for medieval knights who entrusted their lives and good fortune to blades of superior temper.


Fulvio Del Tin
Cav. Fulvio Del Tin near his pieces of art

Del Tin Armi Antiche snc 
Via dei Fabbri, 13   I- 33085 MANIAGO PN   ITALY FAX
+39 0427 72550

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